AMC 8 Seminar
Speakers: Nathan Peck
Time: 7/30, 6:30 - 8PM
This is a one-time seminar. In this seminar, students will join Nathan in solving the 2024 AMC8 in its entirety. The AMC8 is the premier math competition for middle school students and requires both speed and creativity to solve its problems. This seminar will help students looking to prepare for competitions like the AMC8 by providing a first-hand experience of the problem solving process. Background math knowledge will be assumed.
Introduction to Spreadsheets
Speakers: Andrew Gao
Time: 7/25, 8:00PM
This will be a one-hour seminar all about spreadsheets, specifically Google Sheets (though many skills will apply to Excel/other spreadsheet programs too). This is for everyone, no prior coding or computer science knowledge necessary. The seminar will cover basic spreadsheet skills such as formatting, formulas, logic, math, and more! It will also show fun and real-world applications of spreadsheets including anything from games to school to even finances. Students will be able to complete a project by the end of the seminar and be able to use spreadsheets for their future endeavors. Sign up—spreadsheets and the world of computer science can be yours!
2D Polygons
Speakers: Lukas Becker
Time: Wednesday 6/29, 12PM
This seminar will cover the properties angles within triangles and squares as well as angle rules. We will begin with some explanation of the content, and later we will have the students work on some question that they will be given.
Introduction to Astronomy:
Transition to High School Information Session
Math Opportunities Information Session
Introduction to Physics
Introduction to Computer Science